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The Other Sound

Helsingin Sanomat Black Box offers quality journalism as a unique live presentation. In the highly popular shows, true stories are told by HS’s editors and photographers. Black Box shows have been organised since 2016, and its 22th production will be seen in spring 2025. Over the years, nearly 70 000 people have attended over 100 Black Box shows all over Finland. On Flow Saturday, Black Box will bring along the following performances:

Election on the Edge
Anna-Sofia Berner worked as HS Washington correspondent, when the crazy years of politics began in The United States. In her Black Box presentation, Berner goes through the reasons why the stakes are so high in this year’s presidential election.

Graffiti will never die
Tuomas Jääskeläinen, HS’s Art Director, takes his audience to see graffiti in the scenery of his youth, by the railway tracks and in the subpasses.

This is my voice
Kaisa Hahto is a feature writer for HS who, for her Black Box performance, began listening to voices. Why do we sound the way we sound? Is there a relation between how we sound and who we really are? The answer she got was a surprising one.

Black Box performances are held in Finnish.